Emacs Lisp & Travis CI (ver. 2016.5)

Table of Contents

1 Travis CI circumstance of Emacs Lisp

What do you know a little about testing the package of Emacs Lisp? I've learn about some tool which does not depend on the CI service. Of course, this achievement has been aggregated into this. https://github.com/karronoli/redpen-paragraph.el

Travis CI used to support elisp by the setting of "language: emacs-lisp". Currently, there is no such support and using "sudo" is not preferable in terms of execution speed. However, I couldn't find a article of the the current situation of Travis CI & how to run the unit tests of elisp including up to coverage measurement. I think that this article helps the people who are making a package in elisp.

2 Prepare

First, write a unit test by ERT.

2.1 Decide to using Emacs version

If you want to using Travis CI in the container-based, you can't use "sudo". Therefore, there is a practical limit to the version of Emacs. emacs23 & emacs24 are available, but emacs-snapshot is not available. https://github.com/travis-ci/apt-package-whitelist/blob/master/ubuntu-precise Some PRs have come a long time ago about emacs-snapshot. As a result it is conflicts, and it seems to have been left until now.

2.2 .travis.yml

I think that this can be used for any project.


language: generic

sudo: false

    - cassou-emacs
    - emacs24

    - EMACS=emacs24

  - git clone https://github.com/cask/cask.git "$HOME/.cask"
  - export PATH="$HOME/.cask/bin:$PATH"
  - cask install
  - cask exec ert-runner

# Local Variables:
# coding: utf-8
# End:

Execute "ert-run-tests-batch-and-exit" to only run tests on your terminal. I hear that the tests with coverage measurement need to use "Ert-runner". "undercover" of elisp package does a coverage measurement. You should to use "cask" command to use them all.

2.3 Cask

Change a filename passed to "package-file". And it can be used by setting the appropriate dependency.


(source melpa)

(package-file "redpen-paragraph.el")

  (depends-on "undercover")
  (depends-on "ert-runner"))

2.4 test/test-helper.el

Change a filename passed to "undercover".


(require 'undercover)
(undercover "redpen-paragraph.el")

3 Conclusion

I've used coveralls service to view the coverage measurement. I mean, I do not know why the result is not be confirmed locally. "undercover" has a function to write the result to /tmp. But I couldn't find it.

https://travis-ci.org/karronoli/redpen-paragraph.el/ https://coveralls.io/github/karronoli/redpen-paragraph.el This package has been changed to with C1-like coverage measurement, from without it, and the dependency has been managed by Cask. the dependency package. It's a happy ending.

Author: karronoli

Created: 2016-05-17 火 01:56

Emacs 24.5.1 (Org mode 8.2.10)
